I didn’t have the privilege of meeting WWII Veteran David Meneley because he passed away several years ago. His wife, Eugenia Meneley, shared some of his story with me to include in her life story book. (It’s never too late to preserve someone’s life story; we just go about it differently!) I’m so glad Eugenia wanted to take the time to honor her husband and his legacy in her book.

Don’t forget the Veterans week giveaway—an hour of interview and transcription for a veteran! If you would like to honor a veteran in your life, put their name in the comments below or send me an email at lauren@memorylanejane.com before Saturday, November 14, at noon! I will draw the lucky winner on Saturday afternoon!

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Just for visiting, we'd love to leave you with a gift, "Top 10 Questions to Ask a Parent or Grandparent." We've included many of our best-loved interview questions, the conversation that leave our friends saying, "I never thought to tell that story.

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